Aug 18, 2021
00:00:03.570 --> 00:00:04.259
Paul Casey: Here we go.
00:00:05.759 --> 00:00:24.840
Paul Casey: it's a great day to grow forward, and thank you for
joining me for today's episode with Chris Porter Chris is partner
at Porter Kinney and a fun fact about him is he says he's a little
germ of phobic or at least people think he is Chris you gotta go
get a color on that one.
00:00:25.620 --> 00:00:40.440
Chris: Well it's true it's just been a joke a long standing joke
going back decades about my German phobia one time for a birthday
present somebody gave me some jello with a hand sanitizer inside
the jello just to make sure the agenda was clean.
00:00:41.220 --> 00:00:45.330
Chris: The whole bottle of hand sanitizer was kind of molded within
the jello and that was my.
00:00:46.830 --> 00:00:52.530
Paul Casey: love it love it well, we will dive in after checking in
with our tri city influencers sponsor.
00:00:53.460 --> 00:01:00.810
Paul Casey: Thank you for your support of leadership development in
the tri cities well welcome Chris I was privileged to meet you.
00:01:01.140 --> 00:01:09.480
Paul Casey: Man it feels like eight or 10 years ago now, when I
visited a you're being I grew up your business networking
international group I was a sub and.
00:01:09.990 --> 00:01:26.970
Paul Casey: ended up joining be and I certainly after that I think
it was 2015 I joined the and I and it's been a great thing ever
since and you were able to speak at one of my edge events when we
used to do those when we combine pizza and professional development
that was fun.
00:01:27.870 --> 00:01:28.380
Chris: that's right.
00:01:29.100 --> 00:01:43.770
Paul Casey: And you spoke for mid Columbia score I think once on
the same topic and I just love, how you want to help other
businesses out of wide rookie mistakes as you would call them and
really help them thrive, as they as they launch and in those first
years of development.
00:01:44.760 --> 00:01:45.420
00:01:46.860 --> 00:01:57.060
Paul Casey: Well, how far Tracy and implication to know you better
tell us about what your organization does what you spend 80% of
your day doing.
00:01:58.560 --> 00:02:08.430
Chris: yeah so porter Kenny we're a CPA firm and accounting firm,
so we provide tax preparation services and other accounting
services for individuals and businesses.
00:02:09.630 --> 00:02:25.170
Chris: So business could come to us for tax advice for the
preparation of their annual tax return and then also if they wanted
us to run their payroll for them, keep their books up to date, help
them make good business decisions, you know we're here to support
small businesses in the tri cities.
00:02:25.950 --> 00:02:32.190
Paul Casey: Great stuff and So what do you end up spending most of
your day as a partner, doing same thing or other stuff.
00:02:32.970 --> 00:02:38.790
Chris: yeah i'm about split 5050 right now, half the time i'll work
on client work, making sure.
00:02:39.210 --> 00:02:45.960
Chris: You know i'm filing my clients tax returns on time, helping
them make strategic business moves avoid taxes were legally
00:02:46.410 --> 00:03:02.520
Chris: And then the other half of my day is spent on management
training employees on sales on trying to improve the business, you
know, sometimes with leadership we talked about working in the
business versus working on the business and i'm about split 5050
between those two right now.
00:03:03.210 --> 00:03:11.220
Paul Casey: Nice and, as we were talking before we started
recording you're in a major growth spurt in just the last couple of
years right.
00:03:12.000 --> 00:03:18.150
Chris: yeah about two years ago, we have seven full time staff at
porter kinney and now we have 24 so.
00:03:18.210 --> 00:03:20.430
Chris: Definitely had some growth over the last couple years.
00:03:20.610 --> 00:03:22.440
Paul Casey: amazing congratulations.
00:03:22.680 --> 00:03:23.310
Chris: Thank you.
00:03:23.640 --> 00:03:25.590
Paul Casey: Why do you love to do what to do.
00:03:26.970 --> 00:03:34.350
Chris: You know I just have always enjoyed business It just seems
like something that's really fun it's almost like you're playing a
strategy game.
00:03:34.770 --> 00:03:46.320
Chris: And if you make the right moves you're going to win, and if
you don't think clearly enough or you make a mistake you're going
to lose and it's just kind of this it's kind of a big game big game
of chess.
00:03:47.190 --> 00:03:53.430
Chris: Ever since I was probably 10 or 11 i've wanted to start a
business in fact i'll tell you Paul, the first business I ever
00:03:54.180 --> 00:04:06.090
Chris: A friend of mine His name was john and my name is Chris so
we got together and we said we're going to combine our two names
and we're going to start a lawn mowing business, so instead of
Chris and john we call it crowd.
00:04:06.840 --> 00:04:09.000
Chris: It was cron lawn.
00:04:09.540 --> 00:04:10.740
Chris: Which arrives.
00:04:14.010 --> 00:04:14.580
Chris: So.
00:04:15.060 --> 00:04:23.280
Chris: That was me as a 10 or 11 year old try to be entrepreneurial
but i've had a million business ideas, since then and thankfully at
least one of them has worked.
00:04:24.390 --> 00:04:31.350
Paul Casey: How did you land on accounting and tax prep from all
those business ideas, how did you sort through land on that
00:04:32.010 --> 00:04:45.870
Chris: You know it's what I did when I was at byu That was what my
degree was in was accounting, so it was kind of the most natural
fit, of course, to start an accounting firm when you have a
background in accounting when you have work experience and
accounting and a degree in accounting.
00:04:47.040 --> 00:04:51.600
Chris: So that's how I settled on that, but yeah I have debated
about doing other businesses but.
00:04:52.740 --> 00:05:06.360
Chris: I know a lot of tri cities business owners that have their
foot in you know many different businesses, they maybe have a
portfolio of five to 10 different businesses that hasn't worked for
my own personality, I like to be laser focused on just one one
00:05:06.690 --> 00:05:20.820
Paul Casey: Absolutely so who do you surround yourself with on your
team, what makes a great team Member for you to hang around and
also who do you who do you tend to associate with in the Community
outside of porter kinney.
00:05:22.140 --> 00:05:29.940
Chris: Well, within porter Kenny, we have tried to hire the best
person for each position and it's interesting as you try to grow a
00:05:30.420 --> 00:05:42.300
Chris: there's the lowest hanging fruit employees and that's going
to be, you know your brother or your sister or your friend or your
neighbor just kind of the people that are around around you that
you know that maybe you're looking for a job.
00:05:43.500 --> 00:05:53.820
Chris: You could always hire one of them, but but really it is very
important if you've read the book good to great you know, Jim
Collins really emphasizes putting the right people on the right
seat on the bus.
00:05:54.450 --> 00:06:06.150
Chris: And spending a lot of time hiring I read a book recently by
Dave ramsey who recommends the same thing Dave ramsey says he does
like two months of interviews before he hires anyone yeah.
00:06:06.690 --> 00:06:18.510
Chris: So we have been very careful in the hiring process to hire
the right person for each position, not to hire the easiest person
or the lowest hanging fruit or the person that we know or the
person we attend, you know church with.
00:06:19.680 --> 00:06:29.700
Chris: When we hire someone it's it's probably at least 30 hours of
my time before we make that higher and so that I think we just have
an outstanding team that doesn't need to be micromanaged.
00:06:30.270 --> 00:06:37.200
Paul Casey: yeah the measure twice cut once principal at a boss
through always said that in hiring you got to do that so way to
00:06:37.470 --> 00:06:38.760
Chris: Absolutely yeah.
00:06:39.690 --> 00:06:43.110
Paul Casey: For outside the organization one who helps you be
00:06:43.860 --> 00:06:55.320
Chris: yeah so that's a great question outside the organization,
you know, there are a few of business leaders in the Community,
that I really respect and i've intentionally take them to lunch and
pick their brain and.
00:06:55.950 --> 00:07:00.060
Chris: You know it's always good to maintain a spirit of humility
about what we do.
00:07:00.510 --> 00:07:09.090
Chris: I will be the first to admit that there are you know
hundreds of business owners in this area that that do a much better
job than I do, and I want to learn from them, I want to.
00:07:09.510 --> 00:07:21.720
Chris: have them be my mentor and you know they're further ahead
than I am in their business they've been doing it longer than I
have and it's good for me to sit down with them over lunch ask him
questions learn things from them.
00:07:22.920 --> 00:07:36.870
Paul Casey: yeah in fact that's on my list there's no that the
reason for this podcast was I did what you did, which is take a
leader to lunch, and then I thought, what if everybody else could
listen in on that conversation, which is how we've gotten to the
truth of the input their podcasts, though.
00:07:37.200 --> 00:07:40.770
Paul Casey: yeah i'm taking me to lunch, right now, but maybe i'll
have to send you a grub hub or some.
00:07:40.920 --> 00:07:41.520
00:07:43.560 --> 00:07:58.380
Chris: Well i'll tell you Paul and this ties in several years ago,
I took a very successful tri cities business owner out to lunch to
anthony's and I sat down with them, and he had grown a business
from from one person from just him to over 500 employees.
00:07:58.890 --> 00:08:00.660
Chris: As well as the 100% owner.
00:08:01.200 --> 00:08:07.320
Chris: And then he sold the business for a very large sum which
enabled him to you know be financially secure for the rest of his
00:08:08.010 --> 00:08:19.230
Chris: And I asked him, you know what What was your secret and one
of the things that he told me really has stayed with me, and that
is, he said, Chris I grew my business one strategic higher at a
00:08:19.320 --> 00:08:26.040
Chris: um and I thought that was a great focus, because so many of
us think about growing our business one customer at a time.
00:08:26.850 --> 00:08:35.610
Chris: Well that's also true there's kind of two sides of the coin
right, we have to add customers, we have to have clients, we have
to you know, keep them satisfied and offer a high level of service
to them.
00:08:36.060 --> 00:08:47.370
Chris: But the other side of the coin is getting the right people
in the business like I mentioned earlier, one strategic hire at a
time that's how he went from one employee to 600 employees, to a
large sale.
00:08:47.880 --> 00:09:03.480
Paul Casey: That is so good, I hear also that the only way you're
going to really bust out and grow is, you have to hire leaders, not
just followers but leaders that's going to help you to multiply
hiring followers just as addition so yeah great stuff one strategic
fire at a time.
00:09:03.780 --> 00:09:18.120
Chris: yeah and Paul you hit the nail on the head, you also do not
want to be intimidated it's okay to hire someone who's smarter than
you it's okay to hire someone that's more educated than you are you
don't have to be intimidated by that get the best people on your
team and grow together.
00:09:18.870 --> 00:09:30.060
Paul Casey: Great stuff and speaking of growth leaders have growth
mindset So how do you keep evolving as a leader what's in your own
personal and professional development plan.
00:09:31.710 --> 00:09:48.480
Chris: What are the things i've done, I really love listening to
books on my phone I use audible and I like to listen to business
books yeah, but I have long time for a long time i've had the
philosophy that you shouldn't consume information faster than
you're able to apply that information.
00:09:48.570 --> 00:09:51.510
Paul Casey: or flow good let's say that again say that again.
00:09:51.870 --> 00:09:52.170
00:09:53.670 --> 00:09:58.290
Chris: You should not consume information faster than you're able
to apply that information.
00:09:59.400 --> 00:10:06.660
Chris: So, in other words, I hear some people that say hey I
listened to one book a week on audible and I think well, are you
really able to.
00:10:07.380 --> 00:10:13.860
Chris: You know, apply those principles that are being taught in
that business book that quickly, maybe some people are I certainly
am not.
00:10:14.760 --> 00:10:20.670
Chris: So i'll go through a book on audible very slowly, as I drive
maybe one book every three months.
00:10:21.450 --> 00:10:30.000
Chris: And when I get to my location i'll pull up my phone and i'll
take notes on a Google sheet as to what I learned during that drive
from that business book.
00:10:30.780 --> 00:10:43.140
Chris: And then, when i'm done i'll kind of go through all my notes
on board those things that I thought were most applicable and i'll
try to apply them in my business and I try not to move to the
second book until i've made some changes, based on that the first
book that I read.
00:10:43.830 --> 00:10:53.310
Paul Casey: that's really going deep on a book I do like that I
read about 40 a year and, like you said assimilating that so I I to
pull over and.
00:10:54.270 --> 00:11:01.320
Paul Casey: Then write down the takeaways from the books as I go
and then I file them, maybe i'm not assimilating them complete like
00:11:01.590 --> 00:11:11.280
Paul Casey: you're talking about, but I do file them in categories
for leadership development so that I can pass them on to clients
and in seminars, in the future so totally concur with you
00:11:11.790 --> 00:11:16.830
Paul Casey: And you know i'm probably going to ask you this, so
what are a couple of books that everybody's got to read if they're
00:11:17.250 --> 00:11:26.460
Paul Casey: Business owner or a leader of other people, they want
to develop others or develop themselves what are some of those that
pop out maybe you've read just the last few years.
00:11:27.120 --> 00:11:36.420
Chris: yeah i'll recommend three as kind of a must read and and if
there's listeners out there that are thinking about starting a
business but haven't read these three books read these three
00:11:36.900 --> 00:11:44.280
Chris: Seven habits of highly effective people by Stephen R covey
obviously this you know timeless written what 40 years ago and
still relevant today.
00:11:45.480 --> 00:11:50.190
Chris: Second, one would be good to great by Jim Collins like I
just mentioned, also timeless.
00:11:51.360 --> 00:12:07.830
Chris: Book so vital to read if you're trying to grow your
business, as the title implies from good to great and then the
third one would be the E myth revisited by Michael gerber which is
really kind of the small business Bible, how to grow a business
from one person to 10 people to 50 people.
00:12:08.640 --> 00:12:13.290
Paul Casey: yeah and I think he was the one that coined that in the
biz working in the business or on the business right.
00:12:13.500 --> 00:12:14.700
Chris: that's right yeah.
00:12:15.480 --> 00:12:31.710
Paul Casey: Great great book recommends thanks Chris for that to
avoid burnout and negativity and even in the land of Kobe the last
couple years here how have you fed your mental your emotional
health and wellness on a regular basis.
00:12:33.270 --> 00:12:42.540
Chris: yeah that's a great question you know some business owners
talk about you know you got to work 100 hour plus weeks in order to
be successful, I do not buy into that philosophy and.
00:12:43.500 --> 00:12:52.140
Chris: Most of the effective successful people I know don't work
100 plus hours they do work, maybe 50 to 60 hours a week, I mean
they're not slackers that's for sure.
00:12:52.770 --> 00:13:02.490
Chris: But you definitely want to take some time some personal time
completely on your own I like to do some you know i'd call it
spiritual time each day kind of Bible study time each day.
00:13:02.940 --> 00:13:11.250
Chris: That I take on my own I definitely spend time with my wife
and kids each day intentionally during certain times of the day, so
yeah don't neglect yourself.
00:13:12.570 --> 00:13:24.420
Paul Casey: yeah self care huge love, I put in, so your spiritual
practice there at the beginning of the day, so setting the tone for
the day what successful people do in the morning is is huge.
00:13:24.750 --> 00:13:35.220
Paul Casey: And then also making sure i'm sure core values family
is one of your top ones as well, and not leaving them the
leftovers, but prioritizing them somewhere in your day love
00:13:35.580 --> 00:13:43.770
Paul Casey: Absolutely, how do you go about getting things done, I
love to know the organizational system of Chris porter, how do you
organize yourself.
00:13:44.430 --> 00:13:53.490
Chris: Well i'll tell you Paul I went to one of your presentations
several years ago, where you said that we should make a to do list
for the next day.
00:13:53.820 --> 00:14:03.480
Chris: At the end of the day, so at the end of today i'm going to
make a to do list for tomorrow, while those priorities are still
fresh in your mind that was a very helpful suggestion and i've done
00:14:04.560 --> 00:14:09.300
Chris: I don't think I do, that every day, I should, but I do, that
a lot of days and I appreciate that suggestion.
00:14:10.140 --> 00:14:16.380
Chris: So that's one thing i'll throw out the other thing i'll
throw it is from Stephen R covey where he talks about that analogy
00:14:16.710 --> 00:14:23.310
Chris: Having a jar and everyone's heard this before you have a jar
you want to put big rocks and it's small rocks and sand and water
in it.
00:14:24.180 --> 00:14:31.980
Chris: The only way, you can do that is put the big rocks in first
and then the sand and then the water, so the sand kind of falls
around the big rocks and everything fits.
00:14:32.640 --> 00:14:47.700
Chris: And he uses that analogy to basically recommend you take
your most important biggest priorities during the week and you
schedule them into your calendar at the beginning of the week don't
let any anything else interrupt those important items that you
00:14:49.230 --> 00:14:53.760
Chris: put those in first add the big rocks your calendar first and
then other things fall into place.
00:14:54.810 --> 00:15:01.770
Paul Casey: That is so good, I was just telling that illustration,
is a timeless illustration of the big rocks I was just teaching
that and look at a.
00:15:01.980 --> 00:15:09.030
Paul Casey: Digital summit recently, because it is so applicable
don't let anything crowd out those three top priorities.
00:15:09.390 --> 00:15:21.930
Paul Casey: And I don't know why we do this, Chris we seem to like
blow ourselves off and our priorities, we would never do that to
someone in a coffee shop or a client appointment right, but we do
this for ourselves all the time and then we're like procrastinated
yet again.
00:15:23.580 --> 00:15:24.630
Chris: Absolutely yeah.
00:15:25.380 --> 00:15:26.670
Paul Casey: And I think we would say Paul.
00:15:26.700 --> 00:15:31.890
Chris: Paul you also taught me didn't don't show I say obey your
calendar is the phrase that you use.
00:15:33.270 --> 00:15:36.960
Paul Casey: is like obey your thirst have a calendar.
00:15:37.200 --> 00:15:37.740
Chris: that's right.
00:15:39.150 --> 00:15:47.910
Paul Casey: Well before we head into our next question about how
Chris looks at the bigger picture versus being reactive and
leadership let's shout out to our sponsor.
00:15:50.220 --> 00:16:02.430
Paul Casey: Well, Chris it's easy to get trapped in simply reacting
to crises and leadership and putting out fires, how do you
specifically step back and take a look at the bigger picture and
get ahead of stuff.
00:16:03.960 --> 00:16:05.700
Chris: yeah that's a great question.
00:16:06.810 --> 00:16:11.040
Chris: I don't know I don't have a perfect answer for that, but
i'll tell you one thing i've done is i've turned off.
00:16:12.090 --> 00:16:17.610
Chris: That little notification on the computer where every time
you get an email this little thing pings up you got an email from
this person.
00:16:18.540 --> 00:16:26.910
Chris: You know I definitely spend times during the day when when
that's completely off when I don't hear any beeps for my cell phone
and it beeps from my computer and I could just be focused.
00:16:28.560 --> 00:16:37.860
Paul Casey: You also take time as a company with your your core
team to do some strategic planning for the year ahead or the
quarter ahead anything like that.
00:16:38.640 --> 00:16:48.120
Chris: Absolutely my business partner and I we meet weekly Mondays
at 1pm and we talked about yet planning and how our goals are
coming along.
00:16:48.780 --> 00:16:55.680
Chris: And then we have a group of directors of the company so
there's two owners and then for directors of our different
00:16:56.250 --> 00:17:07.020
Chris: And we are all reading good to great even if we've read it
before we're all reading good to great and then we're meeting on
July 30 for an all day retreat with you know some refreshments and
a meal and.
00:17:07.590 --> 00:17:12.030
Chris: And some activities and we're going to discuss the
principles and good to great and how we can apply them to our
00:17:12.780 --> 00:17:19.050
Paul Casey: love the book study idea and now ramsey himself his
organization, when you get hired there you get a box of books.
00:17:19.350 --> 00:17:29.280
Paul Casey: Because he wants everyone to be speaking the same
language and so that that's a cool thing you're all going to do
together, even if it's a reread for many of you it's a new read for
00:17:29.610 --> 00:17:35.730
Paul Casey: love the off site retreat to i'll put in a plug there
as well, I love doing those leading those with companies
00:17:36.060 --> 00:17:51.300
Paul Casey: You know it's a chance to relationship build like you
said eat some food together break bread and look ahead without
without that constant notification barrage or interruptions
throughout your day so way to go for getting your team away to
think ahead.
00:17:52.830 --> 00:18:06.000
Paul Casey: What key moves did you make, for your Organization has
this whole coven thing went through in the last couple of years,
how are you responsive to that how did you become strategic in an
uncertain time.
00:18:07.740 --> 00:18:17.550
Chris: You know, maybe, instead of answering how I did that you
know I serve a lot of clients and maybe I could just anonymously
talk about how some of them navigated through it.
00:18:17.850 --> 00:18:26.790
Chris: Right, it was very interesting, you know we serve like I
said a lot of businesses in the tri cities and restaurants, I
thought were very interesting during coven.
00:18:27.570 --> 00:18:34.410
Chris: We have a lot of restaurant clients and some of them just
almost instantly you know when march hit when April hit.
00:18:34.830 --> 00:18:48.540
Chris: They quickly got on uber eats and doordash or had their own
delivery drivers and just quickly revamped their business model and
some of them did very well, some of them were selling more food
than before the pandemic.
00:18:49.800 --> 00:18:56.130
Chris: Whereas some of them who just kind of dogmatically stuck to
the old business model really struggled so.
00:18:56.910 --> 00:19:10.350
Chris: Whether it's co founder whether it's another crisis or
whether it's just a constantly changing paradigm of technology, we
absolutely need to be responsive on our feet, we cannot run our
business like we did five years ago, and we cannot be afraid of
00:19:11.880 --> 00:19:17.880
Paul Casey: yeah and you bring up that word change, what do you
feel most people don't of course don't like change.
00:19:18.660 --> 00:19:24.330
Paul Casey: I find leaders are a little bit more comfortable with
it because we're the ones, usually driving it you had this huge
00:19:24.870 --> 00:19:39.150
Paul Casey: spurt in the last couple of years, so i'm sure with
that came some change whether that's procedures, if not just
different people, how do you best lead organizational change and
how would you recommend other business leaders lead change.
00:19:40.680 --> 00:19:44.670
Chris: yeah that's that's a great question there's always
resistance to change.
00:19:46.230 --> 00:19:50.310
Chris: In fact, well, I probably won't share that story, I was
about to share a.
00:19:50.310 --> 00:19:53.430
Chris: story, but I don't know if I could do it in a confidential
enough medicine.
00:19:55.050 --> 00:19:57.600
Chris: But there's always resistance to change but.
00:19:58.830 --> 00:20:05.820
Chris: yeah I think you just have to talk about how you know the
very obvious truth that if we don't change we stay the same.
00:20:06.120 --> 00:20:11.940
Chris: Now that just sounds so stupid, but it's true if we don't
change we don't grow if we don't change we don't progress.
00:20:12.510 --> 00:20:22.950
Chris: And I think people just need to realize, you know, like my
friend my mentor that I talked about earlier that I met at
anthony's going from a one person company to a 600 person
00:20:23.460 --> 00:20:28.530
Chris: Their organizational chart must have changed, you know 27
different times, or more.
00:20:29.220 --> 00:20:36.630
Chris: And even in Puerto kitty, you know as we went from when, as
a seven person company, you know our organizational chart was
basically here's the two owners of the top.
00:20:37.080 --> 00:20:45.150
Chris: And here's the five people that report to us it was just
very basic we had an organizational chart but it's like okay we're
in charge and we're the supervisors that's all it is.
00:20:45.750 --> 00:20:53.550
Chris: But now as a 24 person company, the two owners don't
necessarily want to be in charge of all 24 so we revamped our
organizational chart.
00:20:54.150 --> 00:21:02.550
Chris: And that is something that i'd recommend that's something
that Michael gerber recommends and the E myth, no matter how small
your company is make an organizational chart.
00:21:03.090 --> 00:21:13.800
Chris: give each person, a job title give each person, a list of
their duties that they need to fulfill and, as you grow annually,
you should be updating that organization chart.
00:21:15.750 --> 00:21:29.010
Paul Casey: What do you do what became a something you delegated to
that next level I think you're calling the directors right, the
Director level that you did before, but with growth and you know
delegated for someone else to supervise.
00:21:30.210 --> 00:21:46.230
Chris: Well, one example would be semi annual performance reviews,
yes, so I used to do all of them myself and now i'll do the four
directors, will do a semi annual review with me and then each of
them will do four or five with the people in their department.
00:21:47.610 --> 00:21:59.280
Paul Casey: What do you use for performance reviews what system, do
you do some self evaluation is it a is it a rating scale is it more
narrative what have you sort of landed on lately I know it's
probably always in flux, but.
00:22:00.480 --> 00:22:12.180
Chris: yeah one thing I mean there's a lot we could talk about
there, but one thing I think that we've changed recently that's
been very effective is give the staff member of the team Member the
feedback before the performance review.
00:22:13.050 --> 00:22:22.110
Chris: You don't want to be sitting face to face with somebody and
all of a sudden just surprise them with some negative feedback or
constructive criticism, as we call it in a more politically
00:22:22.110 --> 00:22:22.470
Chris: way.
00:22:22.920 --> 00:22:27.930
Chris: You don't just want to surprise somebody in a face to face
setting because naturally they'll become defensive.
00:22:28.650 --> 00:22:33.840
Chris: So if you send them an email beforehand and say hey thanks
so much for meeting with me tomorrow at two.
00:22:34.470 --> 00:22:44.880
Chris: Here are some things that I think have been going really
well give them six or seven here's two things that I think we can
improve on and set some goals on, then they go into the meeting,
knowing what's going to be discussed and there'll be less
00:22:45.750 --> 00:22:56.400
Paul Casey: I found that i've got three other clients that also do
that same thing they send their performance review a day in advance
it's for the people who like to Milan things you know and it
00:22:56.820 --> 00:23:08.850
Paul Casey: Well, for mostly it settles them down because they get
freaked out on the day of their performance review, but yeah it's
sort of like brings it in and more of a conversation the next day,
instead of the surprise or.
00:23:09.480 --> 00:23:13.800
Paul Casey: This is, you know this is going to be this very tense
conversation I think it's a great move.
00:23:15.360 --> 00:23:17.280
Paul Casey: Speaking of difficult conversations.
00:23:17.520 --> 00:23:36.180
Paul Casey: Conflict very difficult among teams and when you're a
supervisor and you have to confront a direct reports someone on
your team it's it's usually not a whoo you know kind of day, how do
you first of all bolster the courage to have that conversation, and
not just let it keep on going.
00:23:37.440 --> 00:23:47.220
Chris: yeah I think you bolster the courage by reminding yourself
that that conversation is not only good for you, but it's good for
that particular team Member to hear.
00:23:48.870 --> 00:23:54.990
Chris: You know and Jim Collins again back to good degrade he talks
about that a lot he talks about, for example, the ultimate.
00:23:55.770 --> 00:24:06.540
Chris: Tough conversation is the conversation where you have to let
somebody go and he talks about in his book if there's somebody who
is not a good fit for your organization not only.
00:24:07.500 --> 00:24:13.920
Chris: Are you doing yourself a disservice by keeping them on
you're doing them a disservice by keeping them on the team
00:24:14.250 --> 00:24:18.930
Chris: They might be a much better fit for another organization
with a different culture with different goals.
00:24:19.380 --> 00:24:31.830
Chris: And by continuing to keep them on your bus, even though
they're in the wrong seat and on the wrong bus you're basically
wasting years of their life so do yourself a favor do them a favor
by having that tough conversation.
00:24:32.190 --> 00:24:50.550
Paul Casey: No, that is so good, because you really want to have
the conversation in service of them, and your organization so
you're serving two purposes and when people just don't want to have
that conversation so you've had to let people go, probably in the
course of your leadership over the years.
00:24:51.900 --> 00:25:05.940
Paul Casey: Take us there for a moment what have you learned about
the the conversation where it's like we're not a match, how does
How does that go, but what recommendations would you have to
business owners and other leaders who have to have that
00:25:06.930 --> 00:25:10.020
Chris: yeah well there's certainly no easy way to have that
00:25:11.160 --> 00:25:16.770
Chris: But you really just want to treat people very well on their
way out.
00:25:18.120 --> 00:25:25.560
Chris: Whether that be giving them a generous severance payment on
their way out or allowing them to stay on the health insurance for
a couple months.
00:25:25.980 --> 00:25:40.860
Chris: Just whatever you can do to really kind of make the
transition easier from your place to someone else's and if it
wasn't really you know, a specific problem with their job
performance, it was just in general they didn't fit the
00:25:42.090 --> 00:25:52.440
Chris: That you were trying to promote maybe they would be a great
fit at another company and you could even help them try to find
that next company try to find that next job where they would be a
good fit.
00:25:53.610 --> 00:26:02.070
Chris: So I think more than just choosing the right words during
the conversation I think you have to look at the whole experience
as treating that employee with dignity on their way out.
00:26:02.400 --> 00:26:15.660
Paul Casey: Oh, so good that we're dignity yeah always helping them
save face I had one boss that told me, you know someday I might be
working for you, Paul and and as a custodian so I want to make sure
we leave on good terms.
00:26:16.260 --> 00:26:26.340
Paul Casey: That was good you've never done it in a Community like
the tri cities to you're going to run into these folks probably
that it's important for us to do it well, always with dignity.
00:26:26.790 --> 00:26:31.560
Chris: yeah and Paul that's a key point where we are in a small
town, this is not Chicago, this is not New York.
00:26:31.980 --> 00:26:41.190
Chris: And with customers and staff members even former staff
members yeah you're going to run into them at the grocery store,
you know, two weeks from now so just treat everybody kindly and
with dignity.
00:26:42.210 --> 00:26:53.010
Paul Casey: You mentioned the word culture, when you said you know
they may not be a fit for the culture, what kind of culture is
porter Kenny trying to develop among the staff so that.
00:26:53.460 --> 00:27:04.650
Paul Casey: You know if I were to walk in your business, this would
be like the feel that I would get you know, in the air, what do you
try to promote there and what are you banging the drum on always
with your team.
00:27:05.850 --> 00:27:15.300
Chris: yeah that is a fantastic question so we definitely have a
culture of continuous improvement and with continuous improvement
comes change like you mentioned.
00:27:15.990 --> 00:27:23.790
Chris: we're a different company, they will were just two years
ago, so people that are resistant to change and don't like.
00:27:24.180 --> 00:27:38.250
Chris: Learning a new software program or you know learning a new
process or having a new organizational chart they would have a
tougher time staying with quarter Kenny, because we have this
constant pursuit of excellence and improvement in our
00:27:39.510 --> 00:27:47.430
Chris: And then on the flip side of that we also like to have fun
and we like to you know, have a good rapport with everyone on the
00:27:48.900 --> 00:28:02.580
Chris: We like to have a fun culture and we'd like to not take
ourselves too seriously and those two aspects of our culture, they
might seem like you know, oil and water trying to mix, but I think
you could have both.
00:28:03.540 --> 00:28:07.920
Paul Casey: So i'm not gonna i'm not gonna see some nerf gun wars
in the accountants office is that what i'm saying.
00:28:09.570 --> 00:28:16.950
Chris: yeah you might just see somebody converting a desk to a ping
pong table in the other room a couple days ago.
00:28:17.790 --> 00:28:18.090
Paul Casey: Good.
00:28:18.210 --> 00:28:18.870
Paul Casey: I like it.
00:28:19.170 --> 00:28:24.150
Chris: I didn't know they solve these little small ping pong nets
that you can put on top of a desk and you know, have a couple of
00:28:24.210 --> 00:28:24.510
00:28:25.830 --> 00:28:34.290
Paul Casey: awesome well Chris Finally, what advice would you give
to new leaders or anyone who wants to keep growing and gaining more
00:28:35.790 --> 00:28:38.370
Chris: Well, I think i've already given it but.
00:28:39.870 --> 00:28:52.170
Chris: I was recently talking to a very new business owner probably
had two employees and I could tell during that meeting, you know,
he did 95% of talking he didn't ask for any advice.
00:28:53.460 --> 00:28:55.980
Chris: The impression I got was that he already knew
00:28:57.750 --> 00:29:05.940
Chris: Even though I could tell that certainly there were things
that he could do better with his business so just having a little
bit of humility and just recognizing.
00:29:06.990 --> 00:29:13.680
Chris: Wherever you are in your leadership, development or in the
business growth, there are people ahead of you that you can learn
things from.
00:29:14.610 --> 00:29:23.580
Chris: Some of those people are right here in the tri cities, and
you know sit down with them ask them questions and some of those
people are national experts who have written books read those
00:29:24.450 --> 00:29:32.190
Chris: don't ever get to the point where you think you just have
all the answers, and you know everything because that's the point
in which your professional development is going to go downhill.
00:29:32.700 --> 00:29:41.850
Paul Casey: Absolutely stay teachable stay coachable tries to the
influencers Chris How can our listeners connect with you and your
00:29:43.410 --> 00:29:48.480
Chris: Well, I can feel free to shoot me shoot me a question at
Chris at quarter can that's my email.
00:29:50.010 --> 00:29:59.850
Chris: yeah and you know our business information is pretty easy to
find our website is porter can you calm, but yeah one of your
listeners can can feel free to reach out to me if they wanted to
00:30:00.690 --> 00:30:05.940
Paul Casey: Well, thanks again for all you do to make the tri
cities, a great place and keep leading well.
00:30:06.750 --> 00:30:07.320
Chris: Thank you, Paul.
00:30:08.070 --> 00:30:11.820
Paul Casey: We wrap up our podcast today with a leadership resource
to recommend.
00:30:12.090 --> 00:30:21.390
Paul Casey: i'm starting a membership Community i'm calling it
bullseye bullseye is going to be for team leaders, if you supervise
other people bulls is for you.
00:30:21.600 --> 00:30:28.890
Paul Casey: for less than like 75 cents a day you're going to get
some plug and play resources every week in your email box.
00:30:29.130 --> 00:30:35.070
Paul Casey: Things videos you can play for your team meeting
icebreakers that you can give in your one to ones.
00:30:35.340 --> 00:30:41.850
Paul Casey: They all have performance evaluation forms and one to
one flow is there's going to be all sorts of great stuff.
00:30:42.120 --> 00:30:50.610
Paul Casey: If you're a team leader, so that you'll actually look
forward to opening an email from growing forward services, so you
can come to my website at Paul
00:30:50.790 --> 00:31:00.660
Paul Casey: As that begins to launch and get in on the ground floor
of this, because then you'll be part of the discussion as we help
each other grow in our businesses and leadership development.
00:31:02.910 --> 00:31:10.620
Paul Casey: Again this is Paul Casey want to thank my guest Chris
porter from porter Kenny, for being here today on the tri cities
influencer podcast we also want to thank our.
00:31:11.160 --> 00:31:19.740
Paul Casey: sponsor and invite you to support them, we appreciate
you making this possible, so that we can collaborate to help
inspire leaders in our Community.
00:31:20.130 --> 00:31:34.530
Paul Casey: Finally, one more leadership tidbit for the road to
help you make a difference in your circle of influence when you
lose your focus, you lose your momentum until next time KGF keep
growing forward.